Thoughts on December 31, 2019

Thoughts on December 31, 2019


Today closes 2019

In a few short hours, all together we will meet a new year and a new decade in the reckoning of the Gregorian calendar. 

The calendar (like all time pieces) has force and power over us. Like it or not (usually not) certain ticks of the clock bring us into stark reflection, invite or compel us into fleeting moments of courage, where, if we dare, must face ourselves in the spray of frightening sparks when true past and true future clash and erupt within us. 

Such moments are not at all easy. In anticipation we prefer distraction. Drunkenness perhaps for some. Busy-ness perhaps for others. 

But I think it’s better not to pretend and hope this time just goes away. I think it is better to take at least some moments to face this challenge quietly, boldly and fiercely. 

There are 10 cards in today’s deck. 

These are: 

  1. Me
  2. “The world,” 
  3. The past (year, decade)
  4. The future (year, decade, life going forward)
  5. The good I’ve done in the past time marker (year, decade), 
  6. My failures in the past time marker, 
  7. Progress and hopeful signs in the world, 
  8. Dystopic and declining trends in the world, 
  9. My family and personal, love relationships, and 
  10. My mission, vocation, work, and my professional relationships.

These all are true and real. It does not make sense (in my opinion) to pretend these stark and frightening demands are not there. No matter how uncomfortable, I recommend pausing and fully embracing every one of these in some (even brief) time of genuine, quiet reflection. 

Put all busy-ness, planning, distraction, evasion, and fear aside, and take a plain peaceful look at each one. Dare to meet each one honestly, and get a true feel for each. This, I believe will give us  freedom, peace, calm, and power when “the clock strikes twelve.”

Finally I recommend this: 

Once apologies, regrets, and rebuilding up our ever present longing to be better are firmly managed, then turn wholly, and excitedly to the grand world of wondrous good you’ve done and tried to do in this time that now draws to a close. Celebrate our innate real beauty and loveliness, and with that ignite a universe of gratitude for these past times that was so rich with so much good. 

We can do the same with "the world." Put the “hell in a hand basket” stuff in an honest place that will continue to draw out from us our continued loving care and striving, and then turn all focus on the genuinely remarkable and wondrous things going on in our ever progressing world. Our time is overflowing with promise.

“My" future, and our future is bright. We’ve not been perfect, but we tried hard, and come morning we’ll be trying still

God bless you 


Frank K