Religious and civil rights movements unite to combat hate in the Poconos
From The Pocono Record
Media credit: Brian Myszkowski / Pocono Record
Though each religion may differ on the details, just about every faith-based organization in the area can agree on one thing: Racism and hatred have no place in the Poconos.
As recent events across the country have proven, racism is still alive in modern society, whether it happens in public or behind closed doors, with overt acts of hate or microaggressions.
Even in the most diverse areas, conflicts between different races and cultures happen every day, everywhere.
Even in the Poconos.
Months of protests, marches, riots and conflicts have brought the subject to the forefront of hot topics. Lives have been lost, and communities have been devastated, with many asking how these issues can possibly be resolved.
[In the Poconos] leaders in the faith-based and civil rights communities have been working to launch and maintain a dialogue on the issues, aiming to create a world where equality and acceptance are the foundation of society.